She always loves to tackle a man's job. 她老是喜欢和男人一较高下。
He's a real go-getter. 他雄心万丈。 She's driven to succeed. 她是不成功誓不甘休的人。 When he sees an opening, he goes for it. 他是钻营之辈,一有机会立刻攀缘附会。 A:He's an ambitious man. 他是野心勃勃的人。 B:That goes without saying. He's in politics. 那还用得着说吗?他是搞政治的人嘛! I'm not going to let you chip away at my career. 我不会让你一分一分地毁了我的事业。 I'll get it, beg, borrow or steal. 为了到手,我不择手段。
Nobody gets in my way. 谁也不许挡我的路。 He's Machiavellian. 他是谋求权势的人。
He doesn't care whom he steps on in order to get there. 为达目的,他不在乎把 谁踩在脚下。 You don't have to stoop to such low tactics. 你犯不着使用卑鄙的伎俩来达到目的。
He's power hungry. 他渴求权利。他渴慕权势 I underestimated his ambitions. 我低估了他的野心。
Diamond cuts diamond! 强中自有强中手!