This year is slow, but I think business will branch out rapidly next year. 今年生意清淡,但我想明年会蓬勃发展。 We're out of the woods. 我们已脱险。
A:How's business? 生意如何?
B:Couldn't be better 再好不过了。 Our business is picking up. 我们的生意已逐渐好转。
Business is booming. 事业正蓬勃发展中。 The prospects look bright. 前景显得光明。
The outcome for the future looks good. 前景看好。 People are flocking to the store. 人群蜂拥到店里。 Business is so good, our products are selling like hot cakes. 生意绝佳,好像在卖现做的糕饼,一出炉就被抢光。
2 Our company is just cruising along. 本公司之业务扶摇直上。
The money just keeps rolling in. 大批钱财滚滚而来。 Business is so good we're laughing all the way to the bank. 生意好得让我们笑逐颜开 This business is a gold mine. 这种生意好像掘到金矿。 This business is better than printing your own money. 做这种生意赚的钱,快过你自己印钞票。 We get a full house every day. 我们每天都客满。
We're making money hand over fist. 我们正大把地赚进钞票。