第 147 课:Sharp Business Competiton 商场血拼

Business is war. 商场即战场.

He tried to put me out of business. 他想整垮我的事业。

Are you trying to squeeze me out? 你想排挤我吗?

There's no mercy in the asphalt jungle. 都市里无怜悯可言。

It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. 外头是弱肉强食的世界。

The law of the jungle is to kill or be killed. 丛林的法则,不是杀人就是被杀。

Survival of the fittest. 适者生存。

It's a jungle out there. 外头的世界充满杀机。

You take care of business or you're out of business. 如果你不照顾生意,就会关门大吉。

Friends are friends but business is business. 朋友归朋友,买卖归买卖。

In this business, being nice doesn't put bread on the table. 在这一行里,太善良就无法存活。