One year is worse than the next. 景况一年比一年差。
My grocery store is operating in the red 我的杂货店赔累不堪。 The advertising isn't working. People still don't come in. 花钱作广告不管用, 客人仍不上门。 Business is as slow as a snail's pace. 生意进展缓慢得像蜗牛爬行。
Nobody has business. 谁都没生意做。 We're operating from hand to mouth. 我们的收入仅够糊口。 The state-owned stores are faltering badly. 国营商店的营业情况,逐渐在走下坡。 Sales are up and down. 生意时好时坏。
Profit is falling. 利润愈来愈少了。 We made zip last year. 我们去年没利润可言。
Profits are plunging. 获利暴跌。 Companies are floundering. 许多公司商号挣扎图存。
That store is on its last legs. 那家铺子即将倒闭。 He ran the company into the ground. 他把这家公司经营垮了。
Macy's filed for Chapter. 梅西百货公司向联邦政府申请破产保护。 I'm getting out of this crummy business. 我不想再经营这种烂生意。