You got a problem? I don't think you want to tangle with me. 你那里不对劲了。 谅你也不敢惹我。 I'm in this fight. He has no idea what he's up against. 这场架我打定了。他不晓得他在跟谁做对。 A:I'm gonna beat you up real bad. 我会把你揍个半死。
B:Oh yeah? You and what army? 是吗?就凭你? A:You wouldn't dare! 谅你也不敢!
B:Oh yeah? Try me. 是吗?你何妨试试。 Don't mess with him. He's dangerous. 不要和他发生纠纷。他是危险人物。 Don't cross swords with him or you'll get burned. 不要和他抬杠,不然会遭殃。 This place isn't big enough for the two of us. 一山不容二虎。 We've never locked horns before. 我们从未起冲突。