第 16 课:Conflict 冲突-2

You wanna make something of it? This means war! 怎么?你想打架吗? 这是存心挑战!

Name the time and place and I'll be there. 你说个时间和地点,我会准时到。

All right, let's take it outside. I don't think you have the guts. 我们到外面去解决好了。我看你没那胆子。

Fight me mano a mano! 像条汉子来打架吧。

He's asking for a fight. He's out to get me. 他存心找人打架。他摆明了要给我难堪。

You're taking on the wrong guy. They won't get me without a fight. 你打架挑错人了。要逮住我,少不了一场打斗。

Don't be afraid of that bully. He's nothing but a paper tiger. 你用不着怕那个欺负弱小的人,他只是一只纸老虎。

This is no game but a serious show of strength. 这并非儿戏,而是一场硬仗。

It's time to kick some butt. It's going to get bloody out there. 是出去拚斗的时候了。外边激将发生大冲突。

This is the calm before the storm. Don't rock the boat. 这是大祸临头前 的短暂平静。不要兴风作浪。