A:Any luck? 手气如何?
B:Yes and no. 时好时坏。
Today is my day. 今天是我走运的日子。 Lady luck is with me today. 今天我吉星高照。
This was a gamble that simply paid off. 这桩事情赌对了。 He got the rolling snake eyes. 他摇出一对蛇眼。
Every time you lose, I'm the one who pays! 每次你赌输了,总是我倒楣。
2 I haven't won a hand all evening. 我整晚还没赢过一手牌。
Last night, I got cleaned. 昨晚我输得一干二净。 After the poker game I was totally washed out. 玩过那场扑克牌后,我输的精光。
I lost my shirt. 我连裤子都输掉了。 If I go broke, I'll be very pissed off. 如果我输光了钱,心里会很不舒服。
It's high time you quit gambling. 这是你戒赌的最好时机。