People smoke marijuana to get high. 人们吸食大麻烟以获得快感。 Doctor, what's needed to clean him up? 大夫,如何才能使他完全戒毒呢? A:Will he ever give up drinking? 你想他会戒酒吗?
B:Don't hold your breath. 连想都不用想。 He's taking drugs. 他在服用毒品.
If you don't quit dope, it'll get you. 如果你不停止吸毒,迟早它会要你的命。 If you're messing with drugs, you're asking for it. 如果你和毒品搞在一起,会自讨苦吃。
He came clean. 他已戒毒。 I gave it up and ever regretted it. 我改掉了那个习惯,从没后悔过。
He doesn't do drugs. 他不吸食毒品。