第 180 课:Burglary 盗窃

Call the police.I think I hear prowlers outside. 快打电话叫警察。我想我听见外头有小偷走动的声音。

I found somebody prowling about. 我发现外面有人在鬼祟张望。

A:Our store was robbed. 我的店铺昨天被人闯入偷了东西。

B:How did it happen? 那是怎么发生的?

B:They managed to get in somehow. 不晓得他们是怎么混进去的。

B:They discovered a way to get in. 他们发现了一条通道。

B:They found a way in. 他们撬开了一条通路。

A:Officer,our home was robbed while we were out tonight! 警官,我们今晚外出时有人闯进我们的屋子里。

B:I'll send a man over right away. 我们马上派人去。

C:What's missing? 丢了些什么东西呢?


A:All our jewelry, silverware, the stereo and TV. 我们所有的珠宝、银器、立体音箱器材和电视机。

C:Anything else missing? 还丢了其它的东西吗?

A:I've no idea off hand. 我一时还不知道。

My house was broken into. 我家昨天被小偷破门而入。

My home was ransacked last night. 我家昨晚被翻箱倒柜, 弄得一团糟。

A:I heard someone broke into your house last night. Was anything taken 我听说昨晚有人闯进你屋里头。有什么东西被偷了吗?

B:Nothing. It was just vandalism. 没有。只是被搞得 乱七八糟。

B:The burglars robbed everything they could lay their hands on. 任何拿得走的东西,都被夜盗弄走了。

Her jewels were stolen by a safecracker. 她的珠宝被保险箱窃贼偷了。