Why didn't you notify the police? 当时你为何不报警呢? You have to go to the authorities with this. 你必须向有关当局报告这件事。 This is a matter for the police. 这应该是归警察管的事。
Officer,this man is harassing me. 警官,这男人在纠缠我。 Would you like to make an official complaint? 你要提出正式的控告吗? I'd like to report a missing person. 我要报告一个失踪的人口
He's holding me (as a)hostage. 他拿我当人质。 Stall him so we can trace the call. 你尽量拖延,好让我查出他的发话地点。
Call the riot squad! 快打电话叫防暴警察来。 He's a juvenile delinquent. 他是不良少年。
They're scoundrels. 他们是恶棍。 He's an underworld figure. 他是个黑社会人物。
He might be a hit man. 也许他是职业杀手。 He's the muscle of the family. 他是黑手党的杀手。
I'm not his bodyguard. 我不是他的保镖。
3 This is my beat. 这是我的地盘。
Don't fish in my pool. 不要在我的地盘里找生活 This is sheep accepting the protection of a wolf. 这简直是请鬼抓药。 Who backs you up? 谁在替你撑腰?
There's no divorce from this family. 一旦你加入了这个组织,永远别想退出。 Once you're in the family, there's no way out. 一旦加入了帮会,无法再退出。 He has help on the inside. 监狱里有人在接应他。