第 27 课:Treating Someone 请客-1

I'll pick up the tab. Coffee's on me. 我来付账。我来付咖啡的帐。

A:I'll get it. 我来付账。

B:No, it's my treat. 不行,今天我请客。

A:But you paid last time. 那怎么行,上回也是你付的帐。

B:Yes, but you pay most of the time. 不错,但大部分的时间都是你在付。

A:Well, I'll let it go this time. But I insist on treating next time. 好吧,这次我不和你争了。但下回得让我做东。

B:It's a deal. (whatever you say) 一言为定。

A:Boy, that was a great meal. 乖乖, 这一顿饭才真好。

B:Bert, give me that check. You're my guest today. 伯特,把账单给我。今天我做个小东。