第 27 课:Treating Someone 请客-2

A:No, really, let me get it this time. 没这回事,说真的,这次让我付吧。

B:You always pay. Please, just this once. 老是你在付账。这哪行,至少这次

A:If you insist, how about splitting the bill? 如果你坚持的话,平分账单好吗?

May we have the check , please? 请拿账单来,好吗?

Put your wallet away It's my treat. 把你的皮夹子收起来,今天我请客。

Mind if we split the check? 如果平分账单,你不介意吧?

How about if we go Dutch? 咱们各付各的账好吗?

It's on the house. He ran up a tab at the local bar. 这个免费招待你。他在本地的酒吧里,欠了一屁股帐。

They stiffed me again. 他们又没付账就先溜了。