第 28 课:Beverage 饮料-2

B:This coffee tastes like water. 这杯咖啡淡如水。

Hon, fix a pot of coffee for my old pal. 亲爱的,替我的老朋友烧壶咖啡。

Why don't I brew us a pot of coffee? 我何不烧一壶咖啡给大伙喝呢?

Have some coffee to perk yourself up. 喝点儿咖啡来提提神。

Some people take coffee for a pick-me-up. 有些人拿咖啡 当作提神药。

A:Would you like to have another cup? 你还想再来一杯吗?

B:No, thanks. I've had my fill. 不用,谢谢你。我已喝够了。

B:I've had enough. 我已喝足了。