第 32 课:Food Complaints 抱怨食物-3

You call this food? What bum food? 你管这叫食物吗? 多差劲的食物?

It's hard to swallow. 这真是难以下咽。

Their refrigerator is a toxic waste dump. 他们家的冰箱活像毒性废物的堆置场。

That guy's palate is so dull. 那个家伙的嘴真迟钝。

They always complain about the crappy food here. 他们老是抱怨这儿的事物难以下咽。

She's a rotten cook. 她是个蹩脚的厨子。

A cook is only as good as his ingredients. 巧妇难为无米之炊。