第 34 课:Mealtime 用餐时刻-1

I'll back for lunch. It's just plain home cooking. 我会回来吃午饭。这只是家常便饭。

He's out to lunch. Get your own lunch. 他出去吃午餐了。你自己去弄午饭吃。

We're having potluck. 我们在弄大杂烩吃。

What do you usually have for breakfast? 通常你早餐都吃些什么?

A:What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么?

B:Oh, I'm not picky. Anything is fine. 啊,我不挑嘴,什么都吃。

I'm not fussy. I'll see the table. 我不是难伺候的人。我来摆桌子。

When's chow? Meal time! Dinner's ready! 什么时候开饭? 吃饭了!晚饭好了!