第 38 课:Mealtime Etiquette 饮食礼仪-1

Your table manners are atrocious. 你的吃相教人不敢恭维。

You need to practice your table manners. 你用餐的礼节有待加强。

Don't slurp your soup. 喝汤是不要做出吸嗦声。

Dont put your elbows on the table. 不要把手肘撑在桌子上。

Fold your napkin in your lap. 要把餐巾平铺在膝上。

Always say"please" and "thank you" when asking someone to pass over the pepper or salt. 不要忘了说声“请”和“谢谢”。请旁人递椒,盐等时 。