第 5 课:Returning a Favor 报恩

Let me return the favor. 该我回请了。

I'd like to return your hospitality. 我想回报你热忱的招待。

Next time, it's on me. 下回该我做东。

I expect no thanks. 我并不期待人家的感激。

You don't owe me that much. 你没欠我那么多。

He's supposed to return a favor for a favor. 按道理他应该礼尚往来。

We're even now! Even Steven. 这下子咱们扯平了。咱们扯平了。

Life is a two way street. It's a matter of give and take. 人与人之间的交往,应以互惠为原则。这是辞受之道的问题。