You can save a lot of money on gas and tolls if you car-pool. 如果你们数人共乘一车,可省掉不少油钱和过路费。 It's tough having to start the day right off commuting. 一大早赶着通勤去上班真是苦。 It was bumper-to-bumper all the way here. 一路来到这儿车接车,大摆长龙。 The rush hour is the worst time to be on the road. 上下班时间,是公路上 最难开车的时刻。 The traffic is at a standstill. 交通完全停顿。
I got stuck in traffic. 我被卡在车阵里。 The road is backed up for two miles. 公路上堵了二英里长的车子。