第 66 课:Traffic Regulations 交通规则

Give proper hand signals. 驾车时要使用正确的手势。

No honking allowed. 不许按喇叭。

No unnecessary blowing of the horn (beeping the horn). 不可任意按喇叭。

Stop at traffic lights. 遇红灯时要停车。

Make a full stop at railroad crossings and stop signs. 遇“铁路岔道口“与 “暂停”的标志前要完全停止。

No sudden stops. Yield to pedestrians. 不要任意急刹车。让行人先穿越马路。

Watch out for the other drivers. 注意其他的行驶车辆。

Keep right. Pass left. 靠右行驶,自左线超车。

Never attempt to pass on curves or hills. 不要再转弯或上坡地段超车。

If you hear a siren, you should pull over. 倘闻警号应即刻闪避道旁。

No jaywalking! 不许擅自穿越马路。