第 71 课:Studying Hard 用功

Education always comes first. Get more schooling. 万般皆下品, 唯有读书高。 多去念点儿书。

I suggest you go back to the basics. 我建议你从头学起。

I gotta go hit the books. 我该去念书了。

She practically lives in the library. 她整天都在埋首苦读。

I need to brush over my notes once more before the test. 我需要在考试前略微在温习一遍我的笔记。

I have to cram for finals next week. 我必须临阵磨枪以准备下周的期末考试。

I'm gonna have to pull an all-nighter for this exam. 为了应付这场考试我必须整晚开夜车。

Everyone in the dorm burned the midnight oil studying. 学生宿舍里的每一 个人都挑灯夜战。

A last-minute cram before the test can make the difference between an A and a B. 考前临阵磨枪, 不利也亮。