第 72 课:Tests and Grades 考试与成绩

I don't want to flunk. No cheating! 我可不愿过不了关。不许作弊。

If you're caught plagiarizing, you won't get any credit for the course. 如果你抄袭别人被逮到,那门功课以零分计算。

We're going to have a quiz. How did the history test go? 我们要做个小考。你的历史考得如何?

I pulled an A. You got full marks on the test. 我考了甲等。你考了100分。

I got a big fat zero in physics. We'll be curving the grades. 我的物理考了个大鸭蛋。我们会全面加分。

How are your grades? 你在学校的成绩如何?

A:What are your grades? 你的成绩如何?

B:Three A's and two B's. 三个甲等和两个乙等。

He got straight A's. 他今年的成绩单上,各课都拿了高分。