第 76 课:Teaching 教导

She's our substitute teacher. 她是我们的代课老师。

That teacher is a dud. He's so boring. 那位老师是颗哑弹,无聊透顶。

He's my mentor. I'll ask him to coach you. 他是我的好导师。我请他替你补习一下。

He's a problem student. 他是个问题学生。

Many students have to be spoon fed. 许多学生像喂婴儿似的教导才能吸收知识。

Pipe down! 不许出声!

Not like that, stupid. 笨,不是那样做。

Please use layman's terms to explain. 请用浅近的话解说。

Repetition reinforces the learning process. 反复再三,可以强化学习效果。