第 77 课:Learning 普通学习

This is very educational. 这很有教育性。

He lags behind everyone else. Practice makes perfect. 他落在众人之后。 熟能生巧。

There's no shortcut to learning. You'll get the hang of it. 做学问没捷径可寻。你会很快掌握要诀。

It has a steep learning curve. I'm getting rusty at it. 这蛮难学的。我已对它生疏了。

You'll do better after a while. 过一阵子你会进步些。

You're on the right track. I think you're catching on. 你这种想法完全正确,我想你渐渐开窍了。

You're almost there. He's quick to catch my drift. 你已很接近了。他很快就领悟了我的意思。

You're learning. Learning is an ongoing process. 你渐渐弄通了。学海无涯。