第 87 课:Literature 文学-1

It takes forever to finish this book. 这本书好象一辈子也读不完。

I put a bookmark where I left off so I won't lose my place. 我夹了一张书签在末页,免得我忘了读到哪儿。

A:Can I see that book for a second? 让我看一下那本书好吗?

B:Okay, but don't lose my page. 好的,但不要把我看的 那页给弄混了。

This book is a great read. 这本书读起来好过瘾。

This book is great as a quick reference on the job. 这本书可作为实际操作时的简便参考。

We did have a good laugh reding that book. 我们读那本书的时候着实笑了一阵子。