第 88 课:Authors & Writing 作者与写作-1

You need to beef it up a little. 你必须再充实一下它的内容。

He's a would-be writer. 他是一名准作家。

Hey, who scribbled on my stationery? 嘿,是谁在我的信筏上乱画一气的?

I can't read your writings. 我看不懂你写的字。

I can't make out if this is an "e" or "c". 我分辨不出这是e 还是c 。

I can't make out this note. It's illegible. 这张纸条字迹潦草(模糊)我看不懂。

You have a doctor's handwriting. 你的字迹像大夫的 一样潦草。

Her handwriting is elegant, but Jim's writing is a scrawl. 她的笔迹娟秀,但吉姆的字体却像鬼画符。

What's this chicken scratch? 你这鬼画符写的是什么东西?