第 90 课:Lodging 旅社

Sorry, we have no vacancies. 抱歉,我们没空房可出租。

We stayed at a little B and B over the weekend. 我们周末住在一个家庭经营式的小客栈里。

This is my home away from home. 这是我客居在外时暂住的家。

The rise of the room rates simply stuns me ;旅馆房价高涨得令人吃惊

The hotel throws in breakfast with the room. 这家旅社随房附送免费早餐。

This hotel provides posh accommodations. 这家旅馆提供豪华的设备

Does this hotel have room service? 这家旅馆送饮食到客房吗?

I'd like a wake-up call at 6:00 A.M. please. 请你早上六点叫醒我好吗?