第 92 课:Traveling 旅游-2

Could you keep an eye on my luggage while I'm gone? 我不在时,麻烦你帮我看一下行李好吗?

Be careful you don't get pick pocketed when you tour Europe. 到欧洲旅行时, 要当心扒窃。

Be wary of tourist traps when you travel to Florida. 到佛罗里达州时,要留意观光陷阱。

Are you here on business or for pleasure? 你是来办事还是来玩的?

The natives are hostile to out-of-towners. 当地人对外来者很排斥。

A:How was the journey? 旅途如何?

B:Long but fine. 路途虽长,但还好。

My trip to Europe went like a charm. 我这一趟欧洲之旅十分惬意。

I hate traveling alone. 我不喜欢单独旅行。

Traveling makes a person grow and adds a touch of maturity. 旅行可以增长见闻,使心智成熟。