第 19 课:Unpersuaded 没被说服

Save your breath! 你省点儿力气吧! 别白费力气!

Don't bother telling me. 用不着说给我听.

Don't try to sweet-talk me. 别想用甜言蜜语来哄我

You are trying to score with me, but you're not succeeding. 你想获得我青睐, 却没得逞.

It's like putting perfume on a pig. 这就像往猪猡身上洒香水.

It's like putting pearls before swine. 这等于是对牛弹琴. 这如同把珍珠呈现给猪猡一样白搭.

You're just grasping at straws. 你饥不择食. 你就像犯重病, 乱投药石.

Might makes right. 强权即是公理.

If reason fails, use force. 如果有理说不清, 不妨用武力解决.

His words carry no weight. 他的话没分量.

His words have no value. 他说的话起不了作用.