第 2 课:Frankness 坦诚-1

A:Do you like her cooking? 你喜欢她做的菜吗?

B:I would be lying if I said yes. 如果我说"是", 那我就是在撒谎.

Let's get this straight. 咱们把它说个清楚.

Let's be straight with each other. 大家直来直往, 不要耍花枪.

Let's show our true colors. 咱们以真面目相对吧. 咱们坦诚相待吧.

Why can't you level with me? 为何你不能对我坦白些呢?

Let's get everything out in the open. 咱们打开天窗说亮话.

Let's tell the truth. 我们把实情说出来.