第 23 课:To Puzzled 使困惑-3

I don't know what came over me. 不知道什么迷惑了我.

I can't think straight. 我的思路杂乱. 我无法正确地思考.

He's all balled up. 他的起居作息已乱无章法. 他的生活已乱成一团.

You gotta be hallucinating. 你准是在幻想.

You must be dreaming. 你一定是在做梦.

You lose people in conversation. 你说的话常使人大惑不解.

I'm sorry. You lost me. 抱歉, 我被你弄迷糊了

I'm totally lost. 我全然困惑了.

That concept is foreign to me. 我觉得那种观念突兀.