第 29 课:Raising Examples 举例-1

Like what? 比方像什么呢?

For one thing, he's too short. 有关他的一点是, 他的个子太矮了.

On the contrary, I like you a lot. 恰恰相反, 我很喜欢你.

On one hand, a good job is important. 从某方面来说, 有一份好差事很重要.

On the other hand, you have to do what makes you happy. 从另一方面来说, 你必须做使你快乐的事.

Either way you look at it, you lose something. 横竖看来, 你都有所损失.

Let me put it this way, you only have one choice. 我不妨这么说, 你只有一个选择的余地.

One thing's for sure he's not my type. 可以确定的一点是, 我不欣赏他这种人.