美国常速短语第 29 课:Raising Examples 举例 -2 Look at it this way, what's good for me is good for you. 你要采取这种观点, 利于我必益于你.
The point I'm making is, why argue over something so petty. 我想说的是, 犯不着为如此琐事而争吵.
What I mean to say is, this won't work. 我的意思是, 这行不通
All I'm trying to say is, try to renegotiate. 我想说的只是, 试着去重新谈判.
I'm merely stating the fact that nothing is for free 我要指出的事实只不过是, 天下没有白吃的午餐.
What I'm suggesting is, give him a chance. 我想建议的是给他一个机会.
It be more accurate to say you are both equally to blame. 更正确的说法是, 要怪应该怪你们俩.
Metaphorically speaking we're all wheels in a big machine. 打个比方说吧, 我们都是一部大机器里的小齿轮.