第 30 课:Problems 麻烦-2

Problems are starting to crop up. 毛病开始显露出来了.

We're up against a brick wall in this matter. 这件事我们开始碰壁了

It has begun to spiral out of control. 这像飞机失控, 开始在空中打转.

I've got a flat and no jack. 倒楣的事接二连三.

I've reached an impasse. 我已走到尽头.

Somebody help me untangle this mess, please! 你们谁来帮我收拾一下这烂摊子.

Your troubles are just beginning. 你的麻烦才刚开始呢!

You're not out of the woods yet. 你的麻烦还没完呢.