第 47 课:Cause & Effect 因果-2

The first year of marriage is always sink or swim. 结婚第一年不是如鱼得水, 就是反目成仇.

I hate to say I told you so. 我不愿说我早已警告过你.

See now? 你瞧, 我说的话没错吧

How do you think I ended up here? 你以为我是如何变成这么潦倒的?

The whole thing turned sour. 整个局面都恶化了.

You acted like a horse's ass. Now you will pay for it. 你的行为愚昧, 现在去承受后果吧.

This picture didn't come out right. 这张相片冲洗的效果不好.

Your future is rooted in your past. 你未来的成败福祸, 导源于往日的作为.

Serves him right. 他活该.