第 47 课:Cause & Effect 因果-3

Do unto others,as you would have them do unto you. 要人如何待你, 就该如何待人.

Whatever goes around comes around. 因果循环, 报应不爽.

He'll get his. 他迟早会遭报应.

It's pay now or pay later. 这笔债迟早都得还.

There's a law of consequences in everyone's life. 每个人的生命中都有因果律.

You reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆. 你怎么种就怎么收.

The sins of our carefree, younger days usually come home to roost later in life. 少年种罪过, 老来食恶果.

Past mistakes will come back to haunt you. 过去所犯的错误, 会像鬼一样反过头来缠你.

You made your own bed. (Now lie in it.) 你造的孽, 自己去承受吧.