It's such a trivial matter. 这是鸡毛蒜皮的小事.
What's that got to do with it? 这和我们正在讨论的有什么关系? That's not even an issue here. 你现在所说的, 根本不是关键点. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill. It's just a tiny cut. 这只是小伤口, 用不着大惊小怪. It's just a tempest in a teapot. 不用担心,这没什么大不了.
It's not that critical. 这并非十万火急之事. Don't make a big thing about it. 别小题大作.
Let's get down to business. 咱们来谈正事. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. 现在咱们来讨论细节.