第 62 课:Foresight, Shortsighted 远见, 短视-1

Oh,I knew it all along. 啊, 我早就知道会发生这种事.

He may be short, but he's not shortsighted. 他或许矮了些, 但眼光可不短.

He's on top of things. 洞悉一切情况.

He's always on the ball. 他总是比别人先着一棋他总是比别人快马一鞭.

You're a man of vision. 你是有远见的人.

His opinions are very-insightful. 他的意见洞烛先机.

His ideas are very forward-thinking. 他的想法很超前.

Today's visionaries are tomorrow's future. 今日之梦想, 将成为明日之事实.