第 68 课:Reconsideration 重新考虑-1

Give it some thought will ya? 仔细考虑一下, 好吗?

Don't rush into things. 不要仓促行事.

That's a little premature, don't you think? 你认为时机还不成熟吗?

Don't do anything that you might regret later. 不要做任何你事后会懊悔的事.

Don't do things haphazardly. Think before you act. 不要鲁莽行事, 先考虑再做.

Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. ;不要青红皂白不分.

Don't make sweeping statements. 不要一竿子打翻一船人

Once the decision is made,there is no turning back. 一旦做了决定, 就无可挽回.