第 69 课:To Participate Or To Withdraw 参与、退出-3

He had a change of mind at the last minute. 他到了最后一分钟才变卦.

I don't like sudden changes. 我不喜欢到了节骨眼才改弦易辙.

She called off the wedding. 她取消了婚礼.

I've gone too far to stop now. 我已深陷, 难以自拔.

Once you sign the contract, there's no turning back. 一旦你签了约, 就无法挽回.

It's to late for you to chicken out. 事到如今, 你想做缩头乌龟已太迟.

We've moved beyond the point of no return. 现在要折回太迟了, 我们已越过了不归点

The die is cast . 生米已煮成熟饭.

I know this will eventually pay off. 我知道这个到头来划算.