第 103 课:Irresponsible 不负责

That's his job. 那是他该做的事。

Let others do it. 让别人去做吧。

Let him do the legwork. 让他去做跑腿的工作。

I stuck him with the job. 我把那件困难的差事推给了他。

You're shirking your duties. 你逃避职责。

Don't be a buck-passer. 少推卸责任。

He has that devil-may-care attitude. 他一副天塌下来也不管的样子。

You started it. You finish it. 你是始作俑者,自己去善后吧!

You did it. You should be liable for it. 你要敢作敢当。

You broke it. You pay for it. 你弄破,就得赔。