It isn't easy raising a family these days. 这年头养活一个家庭可真不容易。 The rent has taken a major bite out of my paycheck. 房租耗掉了我大部分的收入。 You borrow from Peter to pay Paul. 你挖肉补疮 (终就不是办法)。 She scraped up just enough money to pay the rent. 她东拼西凑,勉强付了房租。 Oh dear, I'm behind in my rent. 啊,糟了,我逾期没交房租。 Can you make ends meet? 你得收支能相抵吗? Small leaks can sink a ship. 许多小漏洞也会沉掉一艘大船。 This is the easiest way to get rid of debt. 这是避免债台高筑的最简单遍方法。