第 121 课:Borrowing & Lending 借贷-1

Can I borrow one thousand dollars from you? 我可以向你借一千美元吗?

I'd say that's a long shot. 我看不太可能。

I hate to borrow, but I don't have any choice. 我不愿跟你开口借钱,但别无选择。

I need to borrow 50 bucks. I'll pay you back on payday. 我想向你借五十块,等发饷的日子再还你。

I always pay my debts. 我总有借有还。

You're asking for a princely sum. 你在狮子大开口。

I borrowed on everything. 可以典当的东西,我都已当了。

I took out a second mortgage on the house. 我把房子拿去当第二期贷款的抵押品。

Money is out of the question. 钱的事情免谈。