Here are the do's and don'ts of dating. 这里是一些约会时可行何不可行的规矩。 Follow the Golden Rule. 要奉行己所不欲、勿施于人的金科玉律。 Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. 要人家怎么待你,就应当先怎么待人。 Rules are rules. I don't make the rules around here. 规定怎样就是怎样。 这规矩可不是我订的。 Those are the house rules. It's hard-and-fast rule. 这里的规矩就是如此。 这是不容违背的铁规。 Strictly speaking, this is against regulation. 严格说,这违反规定。 We have our orders. 我们奉命行事。