第 150 课:Following 跟从

He's a follower, not a leader. 他是跟屁虫而非领导人物。

The office is full of yes-men. 办公室里应声虫充斥。

You're my guiding light. 你是指引我道路的光。

He's decided to follow in his father's footsteps. 他已决定子承父业。

I'm following in your footsteps. 我在学你的行为。

He takes after me. 他的作为与我如出一辙。

Money see, monkey do. 猴子有样学样。

Behold, children are watching.;当心,孩子们再瞧着呢。

He recently latched onto this trend in a big way. 他最近如痴如醉的爱上此道。