You're really something. 你实在要得!
I take my hat off to you. 我向你致敬。 They respect my opinion. You're really cool. 他们重视我的意思。你真沉得住气。 He's hip. He's in. He's a cool cat. 他很时髦。他跟得上潮流。他像猫一样沉着。 I'm in awe of his talents. You're a rare breed. 我对他的才华十分折服。你很难得。 You're one in a million. You're exceptional. 你是旷世奇才。你与众不同。 You're outstanding. 你出类拔萃。 If you want respect, you'll have to earn it. 要人家尊重你,得先下苦功夫。