第 157 课:Refusing To Help 拒绝援助-1

Nice guys always get eaten alive. 做好人总是被生吞活剥的。

Never raise your hand to volunteer. 千万不要自告奋勇。

Don't be too eager. 不要过度热心。

Every time I play Mister Nice Guy, I get burned. 每次做好人总是我倒霉。

What is it you want from me? 你到底要我做什么嘛?

A:Will you fill in for me today? I'm really busy. 我今天很忙,你能代我的班吗?

B:Why should I? 我何必呢?

A:Fine, see if I care! 不肯就不肯,有什么了不起!

No now! No time to stop and chat! 现在不成。没时间停下来聊天!

Some other time. 改天吧!