He sure has fast legs. 他有一双飞毛腿。 He has poor eye-hand coordination. 他的手眼搭配不太灵活 。
Give me a boot. 帮我扛一下。
Up we go. 我们往上升了。 Don't leave your toys there. Someone can trip over them. 不要把你的玩具摆得满地都是,会绊倒人。
The lid is stuck. 这瓶盖卡住了。 The lights went out, so we fumbled about to find candles. 停电后,我们只好跌跌撞撞到处去找蜡烛。 We need a man's strong arms to lift this piano. 我们需要一个强劲有力的男人,来抬这架钢琴。 We need your muscles. 我们需要借用一下你的力气。