第 21 课:Photograhy 照相-1

Let me get a shot of you. 我来替你拍张照片。

Let me get some candid shots of you guys. 我来拍几张你们自然姿态的照片。

Hold that pose. 保持那个姿势不要动。

Say ahh. 把嘴张开。

Pose for a picture. 摆个姿势好让我替你拍照。

How about some action shots? 来拍几张动态的相片如何?

Get the picture? 我的话你明白了吧?

Oh, no! I blinked. 啊,不好,(你按快门时)我刚好眨了眼。

Darn, the camera snapped me at my worst. 哎呀,我最难看的样子被拍下来了。