第 21 课:Photograhy 照相-2

If this photo comes out good, will you send it to me? 如果这张相片冲出来后效果不错,你肯寄一张给我吗?

You're so photogenic. 你很上相。

Gee, what a terrible picture of me. 哎,我这张相片照得真难看。

That photograph doesn't do her justice. 那张照片显不出她的好面貌,

She's a lot better looking in person. 她比照片好看多了。

Please have my picture blown up to five by seven. 请把我的相片放大到五寸宽七寸长。

It's a picture of my folks. 这是我爸妈的合照。

These photo albums are full of memories. 这些相簿充满了许多回忆。