第 39 课:Medicine 医药-1

You're due for a checkup. 又到你健康检查的时间了。

How do I checkout, doc? 大夫,我身体检查的结果如何?

A:What shape am I in, doctor? 大夫,我像什么样子(健康情况)?

B:Pear shape. 上细下粗像颗梨。

B:Apple shape. 一身浑圆似苹果。

The checkup showed nothing. 身体检查没显示任何毛病。

He's in great shape. 他的身体很棒。

You're checking out fine. 你的健康情形还好。

I'll have you feeling better in no time. 我马上减轻你的疼痛。